It’s crazy to think I will be leaving DC in just 15 days, but it is in fact very real. Since leaving my job of the last 8 years this past Friday, I’ve been feverishly running all over the city trying to get as many things done as possible. In order for me to keep everything straight, I’ve been keeping a giant to-do list running. I actually started the list nearly one year ago and have been using it to keep track of the major tasks that I need to accomplish before I step foot overseas.
So in honor of just over two weeks to go, I’ve narrowed down the last 15 things to do in order to be all set.
Unsubscribe from mailing lists – How did I get subscribed to a mailing list from MTV or Helly Hansen? I’m constantly barraged from advertising emails for the services I use, no need to also be inundated with absolutely every GroupOn deal, right? I’m going to be traveling and the last thing I want to do with my limited cell data connection is weed through a hundred junk emails.
Update credit card/bank companies – Think my credit cards will find it normal that I’m suddenly running up charges in Queenstown, New Zealand, or Krabi, Thailand? Ya, then they’ll immediately cancel my cards! Instead of that, Chase, Citi, Bank of America and all the other major banks, provide ways to inform them in advance of overseas travel. Only downside is that most companies don’t allow travel notifications for longer than 30 days. So each month I’ll need to remember to log in and update the forms.
Change mailing addresses/forward mail – I’ll no longer be available to receive mail in Washington, DC, so I’ll be forwarding my things to my parents. It’s important to change as many mailing addresses for financial accounts and other important documents. Thankfully the US Postal Service and others make the process really easy.
- Get a haircut – I can’t look like a crazed mountain man on my trip! I mean, it’s going to be summer where I’m heading, so I need to go with a nice summer cut.
- All papers in order – A lawyer friend of mine helped me draw up a will and power of attorney for the trip. It’s really bizarre to think about those sorts of things but now that I’m a bit older it makes sense to have them anyway. I’ll also be making copies of all my important documents like flight reservations, credit cards, passport, visas, etc and emailing both sets of parents a copy and storing my own digital versions in a secured online service like Dropbox.
- Get Money squared away – I’ve have my debit card tied to an account that will have my spending money for about a week’s worth of time. I also have set up a backup atm account just in case I lose or have my primary stolen. Both of those will be connected to a savings account that will hold my travel money. And lastly I’ll just make sure everything can move back and forth and that they are all set up as payees for my two credit cards.
- Visas – I recently spent two hours at the Chinese Embassy applying for a visa to travel there. I need to go pick it up and also check on any additional visas that I need. Most of the places I’m going allow you to apply online for electronic visas or don’t require them at all as long as I stay less than 90 days.
- Moving Sale – After I sold my car I became a lot less stressed about selling my possessions. But I still have things that need to go. Namely my desk, bed frame, books, and miscellaneous electronics. I’m trying to pawn most off to friends. We’ll see how that goes!
- Test Pack – At the top of this post you can see everything laid out for the trip. I’ve been doing test packing runs to see if I absolutely need everything I plan to bring. It’s amazing how many things I can fit in just two bags.
- Arrange first accommodation – My first stop on my adventure is Auckland, New Zealand. I don’t have any current plans for where I’m staying there, but don’t think it will be for any more than a couple of days. I want to move on to the South Island and Queenstown area where I hope to do some work in exchange for room and board at a vineyard! But before I do that I need to book something for a few days in Auckland.
- Onward travel – New Zealand has few requirements for Americans visiting in order to enter the country, but one thing that is necessary is proof of onward travel. What this means is they require documentation that you aren’t planning on staying forever. For me that will mean a plane ticket on to Australia. The only issue is I don’t want to be specifically locked in to a set itinerary. So what a lot of longtime travelers do is buy refundable tickets, print the confirmation for immigration officials, then change your plans as you get closer to your departure date.
- Upload books and media to Mac/iPhone/Kindle – Any good book or movie recommendations out there? I have 6, 8, and 10 hour flights in my near future and need some entertainment. I have been amassing a list of great travelogues for my Kindle and also want to load some good movies too.
- Have all your favorite food and drinks – I’ve been hitting my favorite spots around the District as it will be quite some time before I get a chance to do it again. I’ve especially been making frequent stops at my favorite Creole place Bayou Bakery in Courthouse. Definitely can’t find Creole food in Southeast Asia.
- Farewell Party – Next week I am planning a big last hurrah in DC for my friends and me. I’ve been trying to hang out with people over the last couple of weeks since announcing my plans, but this will be the last time to get a big group together. It’ll be great and sad all at the same time.
- Freak Out – I mean get excited – I’m trying to keep the anxiety to a minimum by making lists such as this one. That’s helping a bit. But at this point I’m too far along to turn back now. However that doesn’t mean I can’t be a bit freaked out.
Two weeks left. I got this.
January 16, 2015
I can’t wait to see you this weekend and help you get rid of the final extra stuff and hear about your awesome plans!
January 17, 2015
Aren’t you missing something? Item 16: One last trip to Tachibana… let us know if you have time!